
Posts Tagged ‘The State’

The Burden

May 27, 2011 1 comment

What is it that lies between a person and happiness?  What is that vast, yet unseen and mysterious, force that hangs over life like a grey and forbidding storm cloud?

The joie de vie of youth does not maintain; one moment there is a carefree youth, the next a person bent and sullen by a sudden burden too large to easily bear.

The hopes and dreams and enthusiasms of the young become warped and twisted.  Hopes become fears, dreams become resentments and enthusiasm is dampened down by the cold sponge of duty.

And for whom is this duty?  Why to The State of course.  You must work for it, pray for it, sing an anthem to it, speak glowingly of it, wave a flag for it and then, when necessary, either die for it or give up your child to die for it.

What lies between a person and happiness is madness.  That madness is called The State.

The Worst Possible

So you take all these incredibly ignorant, uninformed, misinformed and intellectually immobilised people and you aggregate their  intelligence and from that supposedly is produced a wise, decision-making capability.  It is no wonder that the world seems crazy… it is.  Every choice is the worst choice possible, every decision is the worst decision possible, every leader is the worst leader possible and every result is the worst result possible.  The fact that anything sensible at all every happens is a system-defying miracle.  But that is mere hypothesis, as nothing sensible ever does happen.  The system cannot be denied.

The frayed remnants of a once great civilization will slouch up to and over the cliff still braying self-righteously about social justice.  Then, those few who survive, with broken bones and hideous wounds amongst the mush and blood of the corpses, will demand to know the percentage of deaths broken down into minority categories.  It will never stop until it utterly stops.  We must be there at the bottom of the cliff to hang the survivors lest they manage to slink off in order to return another day.  There must be an end to this cycle of madness.

Whops, I hope that this doesn’t come over as extreme :-0)

Wealth Creation

April 3, 2011 1 comment

The State is observably, demonstrably and historically an impediment to wealth creation.  The maximum wealth creation can only occur in the theoretical absence of The State.

Why ‘theoretical’?

Because even on a desert island with a small group of marooned people there would still be some fatuous idiot trying to tell everyone else how to live their lives.

Beating the System

March 23, 2011 1 comment

It’s a tough world at the best of times.  When The inglorious State is thrown into the mix it becomes absolute hell.

The system is set up so that you cannot win.  If you work hard you will gain the reward of being highly taxed, exhausted and still dirt poor.

But… if you can win then you beat the system.  Enough money ensures your passage out from the system.  The system is there to ensure that you do not have enough leisure time to start thinking for yourself.

Beating the system is freedom; the only freedom there is; the freedom to think for yourself.

It is not possible in the western world to be both poor and free.


March 14, 2011 Leave a comment

All products at all times are subject to one of two types of rationing.

The first is the rationing caused by market price.  This rationing ensures that the product never runs out.

The second is the rationing caused by dictate of The State.  This rationing ensures that the product will run out.

No product can ever be unavailable without The State’s interference in the voluntary market.  It may become unaffordable to some, but it will never be unavailable.  There aren’t many Van Gogh’s around, but you never hear about a Van Gogh shortage.

The State’s attempts to keep a product affordable for all ensures that it will become unavailable to all, except the very rich.  The very rich of course includes the politicians. The very rich will still be able to afford to buy it on the black-market that will be created as an unintended consequence of The State’s actions.

The black-market price is always higher than the voluntary market price because the price has factored in to it the risk of doing business.  If the black-markets are effectively shut down then the product will be entirely unavailable.

At the point that it starts to become unavailable The State will usually take over the means of production.  Their justification for this is ‘to ensure supply’.

Once the voluntary market is removed from production then
a/ the quality of the product will deteriorate alarmingly,
b/ the product will fail to match consumer expectations    (wrong size or colour etc),
c/ you will have to queue for the product if it is available at all and
d/ the price will be considerably higher than the ‘high’ voluntary market price which caused The State to intervene in the first place.

A voluntary market operated by free people is like an angelically beautiful young child who just constantly does his or her best.  Market regulation is economic paedophilia.

UK-New Unemployment Policy

February 17, 2011 Leave a comment

The UK has announced a radical change to Britain’s unemployment policy…
“’It’s simple, the more you work the better off you will be”
PM David Marshmallow -Daily Mail 17th Feb. 2011

This radical policy will of course take an enormously expensive bureaucracy to supervise, but it is worth it.  This sort of brilliance can only come from governments.  The private sector could never have come up with such a fabulous concept.

So for all you cynics out there who think that government is composed of scaly, self-serving, bucket-dwelling scumbags not fit to tongue-lick clean a sewer, think again.


February 12, 2011 Leave a comment

The truth that all people should be equal before the law does not mean that all people should be equal.  One does not mean the other.

That all should be equal before the law is a prime requirement of genuine Human Rights in any sane society.  That all should be equal requires a complete abrogation of those same Human Rights and can only be achieved by a widespread suppression of basic freedoms.

Not only are they not the same thing, they are diametrically opposed.

An understanding of the  conflict between the mutually incompatible propositions of ‘equality before the law’ and ‘equality’ is a necessary requirement for a successful examination of why our society is in such profound moral decay.

Hosni Mubarak

February 11, 2011 Leave a comment

The resignation of the dictator Mubarak in Egypt is meaningless.  The people have won a change in the personnel of government.  The system survives.

When people understand that it is the system, not the specific people running the system, that keeps them impoverished then, and only then, can we have real change.

Until that time the delusion that we need leaders and governments will ensure our freedom and standard of living will continue to deteriorate.

Ultimately all civilisations are destroyed by the excesses of its government.  They are never content just to live the life of Riley off the productive but uninformed taxpayers.  Eventually their greed utterly destroys not only themselves, but ‘their’ people whose lives they blight.

Only then, in the complete absence of government, can a new civilisation be built.  That time is not now in Egypt, thus the people will continue to get poorer until eventually they start to starve.  And will they then realize that it is the system that is fucked?  Not a bit of it, they will start to demand the return of Hosni Mubarak.

I really do get a little frustrated at times :-0)

Votes for Prisoners?

February 11, 2011 Leave a comment

“Those who commit a crime have broken their contract with society.”  With those words the British parliament rejected the European Court’s directive to give prisoners the vote.

There are some problems that rank in the category of ‘blindingly obvious’ here.  A ‘contract’ is a written or spoken agreement between two or more parties that is enforceable by law.  Both parties must sign or openly state their agreement to the contract for it to be enforceable.  There was no such agreement, either written or verbal, therefore there was no contract.

Nor is there any such entity as ‘society’.  When politicians claim the right to lord it over the rest of us they do so with the justification that yes, individuals will lose out, but society is the winner.  The fact that such irrational nonsense is not instantly dismissed is a testament to the appalling level of education dispensed by The State.

‘Society’ is a word coined by politicians to describe the aggregate of ‘their’ individual citizens…. their milk cows.  ‘Society’ has the same connotation as ‘herd’.

How can someone break a contract that doesn’t exist with an entity that also doesn’t exist?

British politicians are pretending to stand on principles of which by the very nature of their jobs they have proved themselves bereft.  Any vote cast to determine ones master is an acknowledgement that one is a serf.

As one has to be a serf to vote then surely a locked up prisoner has definitely qualified.  However, they should only exercise that option if they wish to confirm the legitimacy of their serf status.

Government and Crime

February 10, 2011 Leave a comment

The amount of government is exactly proportional to the amount of crime.